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Kiln-dried southern yellow pine - 6 ½-inch diameter profile, includes log walls (with cutouts for windows, doors, fireplaces), quarter round for interior log seams, log gables, porch posts, Oly-Log fasteners, log home foam gasket, construction adhesive for corners and between courses, alignment rods for log courses over openings, temporary exterior wood preservative, Sill Seal beneath first course of logs, Sill Seal on top of rafter bearing walls, Sill Seal on top of log gables, jambliners, four sets of log erection drawings and standard blueprints, and eight hours of technical assistance.
RAFTER & UPPER BEAM PACKAGE (rough sawn) Ridge beam, common rafters, porch rafters and beam, rafter plate and blocking, first floor ceiling, second floor joists, girders and nailers, wall ties and hardware when applicable, collar ties, fascia boards.
WINDOW & EXTERIOR DOOR PACKAGE Aluminum windows, single hung E-Z tilt, insulated, bronze, with grills and screens, locks and lifts; metal doors, insulated, cross-buck, nine square lite; skylights optional; fixed glass is NOT included; assembly required for barn doors; windows not included with barns.
OTHER MATERIALS PACKAGE (materials vary with each model) Floor system: sills (treated), double end joists, double headers, floor joists, joist bridging, girders, subfloor sheathing, sills at porches (treated), porch and deck floor joists (treated), porch joist girder (treated), porch and deck flooring (treated), Sill Seal beneath sill

Interior partitions: framing-double plate system

Second floor and loft sheathing

House roof systems: roof sheathing of lx tongue and groove and waferboard, felt paper, rigid roofing insulation as required, roof furring as required, shingles, porch roof sheathing of 2x tongue and groove

Garage & barn roof systems: 7/16-inch OSB, felt paper, shingles

Interior doors: hollow-core flush lauan, prehung and prebored; closet doors: hollow-core flush lauan, single or multiple bifold

Miscellaneous interior materials: interior window/door/baseboard trim of lx dressed material; handrails, posts and vertical slats (ripped 2x dressed); stairs, treads, risers, and stringers

Miscellaneous exterior materials: exterior window and door trim, porch trim, subfloor trim, board-on-board siding for exterior of dormers

Porch and deck support: treated support posts of 6 ½-inch round with 3" flat

Building systems: Total | American | Architectural | Contemporary | Hand Crafted


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